Thistly Things
In an attempt to stem my anger at Brexit and all the difficulties it keeps throwing in my way (not to mention expense!) we are launching a new range of fabulous bags!
We have had some designs specially printed – courtesy of DefiAye – by Spoonflower in Germany which we are busy making into bags. You can see the first results in our new “Thistly Things” section. More designs are in the pipeline and you can see the currently available range of fabrics here.
It is great fun making unique things with unique fabric and I have spent many pounds buying fabric from individual designers and turning them into items such as these:

Also, I appear to have acquired a media secretary (AKA my husband) who managed to get a letter this week into both the Southern Reporter and the Berwickshire News (local weekly papers) about how Brexit is harming small businesses. He also wrote to our local MP asking if he could name one positive thing for Scotland leaving the EU. The long-winded response was long on words trying to blame things on the SNP, but completely short on positive comment – you can probably guess that our MP was a former Remain-supporting Europhile Tory who is a party drone and thus now a supporter of Brexit.
So, I am going to leave you with some images of our new bags. The designs which are not our own are a not-for-profit project and £4 from each sale will go the SIF. The rest are not, I still have to feed the teenagers somehow…. My two favourites are the Yes rainbow knot design and the patchwork saltire bag with glow in the dark unicorns. Some of you may know that really I am a patchworker at heart. There are going to be lots more patchwork designs coming up, in an attempt to use offcuts from making face masks. Happy Days, and let’s face it, Saltires are much easier to piece than Union Jacks. 😃
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